Look at what you have been internally working on. Your goals. Aspirations. Desires. Needs that you have carefully loved on and cared for.

This thing that you have been contemplating and meditating on . . it is what is true to your Core. It is a reflection of your eternal self. Be diligent in surrounding yourself with an environment that shares those same values. . as it will create an atmosphere of protection for you and what you hold true.

Settle into the feeling of appreciation as you watch what you have been nurturing inside of you, grow outside of you. Be delighted and empowered by it . . . Acknowledging that you have courageously moved through and therefore, overcome, your fears as you leaned into the guidance of your heart’s desires.

On your journey you have accumulated sacred knowledge about your own process as you have simultaneously cultivated your gifts and talents in an ever-changing, evolving life-and-time.

Let what you have cultivated, confidently and passionately propel you forward. #MarchOn . .

Just Go.

And, Trust the Lord with all your heart… knowing you are surely, forever, supported.

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